Saturday, March 28, 2009

ML & LG: Beach Edition "First Kiss"

So today was a beautiful day to take our show to Newport Beach! We were there for quite a while soaking up the sun. A series of events happened while we were there:

1. Checkin' out the young tenda's in the High School Surf Competition ...haha
2. Got offered a brownie, after we kindly said no. He eneded up leaving it for us anyway

3. Our good friend Jace came and hung out with us and brought us a nice cocktail
4. We went for a walk to the pier and accumulated a lot of TAR on the bottom of our feet (SICK!)

5. We saw "The Birdman" and I,(Liz) instantly fell in LOVE with the most beautiful WARA (Red Parrot) There was an instant connection and that's when it happened the "First Kiss"
6. On our way to buy ice cream, one guy offered to buy us a drink and got 3 kisses blown our way
7. We finally made it back to our spot and decided it was time to go
8. Marin got offered to be in a movie
9. We parked very far away (residential area on the other side of PCH) so of course we GOT LOST! It took us 30 minutes to find parking and 30 minutes to find where we parked...ha! (kind of ironic)


"The Birdman"
Love at first sight

Look at the cute lil girl holding the Parakeet

When we first made eye contact!

He's making his move...


(It kinda looks like he wants to give me a lip piercing..haha)

ML: Meet Carter

bundle of joy

I love spending time with this loving two year old!
What I don't like so much is when I get PEE'D on!
Last night was the second time...yes, he thinks it's pretty funny!
Gotta love the potty training stage :) 

Friday, March 27, 2009

LG: Funday Thursday

Late Night Show with Special Guests: A*Griff & LaLa

Th-Th-That's ALL Folks!


Our Mixtape finally made it BIG.

Album in Stores Soon:

"It is what it Is"

Release Date 03.30.09

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This happened over spring break...
You know what they say, "you gotta try it at least once"...

LG: Craving

The Cake is missing a piece...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ML: It's been a while...

Well I it's been a while since I have blogged. Spring break kept me busy, busy!!! My flight got cancelled on Sunday due to a problem with the fuel filter. Thanks to that, I got some pretty sweet pictures of people in the airport! Once I find time to upload the pictures, I will post them for all to enjoy.  

Monday, March 23, 2009


I guess the guy figured he was going to jail after the speed chase...might as well share the fun!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

LG: Wooohooo!

Spring Break was sweet. I did just what I wanted to do: chill, eat good food, play with Rocco, visit a couple of my favorite LA spots and enjoy family and friends.

Meet the BABY of the family... Rocco!
The closest I was going to get to Cancun, Mexico was at my aunt's birthday dinner.
"Pancho Villa" a Mexican restaurant with a live Mariachi.

Mariachi Man (speaking to my aunt): Feliz Cumpleanos! You turn 21... PLUS TAX!
He was hilarious!

I can't leave LA without eating a Downtown Hotdog!

Saved the Best for Last! A Kapp came down to LA Sunday ate some good food, visited church, walked around LA Live, watched bball game, went back to my house for dinner and family time.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

LG: Better late than Never

Yesterday my brother Edgar, my cousin Mike, and I celebrated our annual tradition. We went to watch a movie at the Howard Hughes center, The Bridge. We watched the movie Taken. I hadn't heard anything about it and I didn't know it came out last year. (Why they were still playing it at The Bridge is far beyond the point.) It was an action filled suspensful movie. It is based on the social and inhuman injustice of the business of Human Trafficking. Great Movie!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LG: Deep Thoughts caused by a Trigger





(gun shots)


(police sirens)


(ghetto birds aka helicopters)

This is what I heard at 11:29 pm. Four gun shots, within minutes the police sirens, and within seconds the helicopter. I'm tired of this. I didn't even flinch, just listened for the aftermath and if "help" was coming. Just allows one to know how immune I am to this. That should't even be right. How am I immune to the sound of a gun shot? How am I so used to hearing police sirens? Its like a tune to my ears. I don't even notice it most of the time. How can I listen to the helicopter and know exactly where it is at and how far away it is from my home, without even lookin out the window?
I get so damn pissed! Why? One may ask it isn't my fault. It doesn't have to be my fault. I am pissed that I can't lay peacefully in my bed. I am pissed cuz I live in a society such as this one. I am pissed that I have had to deal with this ALL of my life. I am pissed that I go to bed at night hoping that everyone is safe the next morning. I am pissed that I can't walk to my grandma's house, thats only 1 block away, without checking my back. I am pissed that you can't own ANYTHING around here without it being stripped from your own HANDS! I am pissed that I brag about this place so much but I am mainly pissed because I LOVE it so much. I am pissed that this place is just a crime infested community and no matter what good happens all it will EVER be known for is the CRIME. I am pissed because this is my home.
I thank God that non of my family members have never been shot, gang affiliated nor drug dealers. I thank God that after living here for 19 years we are safe (for the most part). I thank God because He has protected us through so much that has happened. I thank God for giving me peace of mind. I thank God for keeping us all SANE. I thank God.

As for now my solution:

"We must live as the lotus flower, untouched by the dirty water in which it resides"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When Kaka doesn't wanna chat on the phone..
When Mawwwin doesn't wanna text me back...
When Sawoowoo is at school...
When Edgarino & Maggie are at work...
When I'm the ONLY person on Spring Break...
This is the best remedy for boredom:

The best insults ever made are during "The Challenge"

LG: St. Patty's

I came accross these pictures that were taken a year ago...
Good Times!

Monday, March 16, 2009

LG: Confirmation

My cousins and I dropped off Marin at LAX on Friday. I told her to hit me up when she got home. Instead of a text or a phone call, I received this image. SHE'S HOME!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

ML: Ya'll are invited!!!

Hey everybody, I wanna invite ya'll to my 5th cousins weddin'. The more the MARRIER! haha ya get it? MARRY HER! haha That was a gooden'. Well any how, I just wanna spread the word for my family. I hope we run into ya at the weddin'.

Their weddin' announcement...ain't they cute?

This is a preview of my other cousin/uncle's weddin'. Here's what you can expect at the up and cumin' weddin' I mentioned above there...

Some people call this the weddin' cake, but we like to give ya'll some variety so here's a whole buncha ding dongs... ya'll can take your pick!

I might not be able to spell lemo-zeen, but this is what we all ride in before the ceremony then after words we go get some cold one's and take a few down!! It sure is something, let me tell you!
Oh, and this picture I just wanted to add in to show where everybody goes for thier honeymoon...YEEHAWW!!! Grandpa Sunny and Grandma Margaret is rich so everybody goes and pitches a tent at their pond for the honeymoon. Man I sure can't wait for my turn!

I hope these pictures help ya'll decide that you should come to Cousin Buck's weddin'! It's a one in a life time chance...well... until little Suzzy gets knocked up, then it will be her turn to walk down the aisle!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

LG: Ball Never Lies

There's nothing better than to see a GOOD basketball game. It doesn't matter if it's NBA, Intramurals, Jr. Ball, or Street Ball. A good game is a GOOD game! My all time favorite play in basketball is a BUZZER-BEATER! Whether it's talent, skills, or just a lucky shot...I love watching them. Here are a couple of my favorite buzzer-beaters. Check em' out!

90-footer!! He should be a quaterback!

(monkey in the middle..thats funny)
This kid is barely 10 years old!!!

This one is crazzyy!!

My all time favorite... Lakers! Fisher 0.4

ML: Squeeze Em!

2 days tell I get to see all of these
beautiful faces and squeeze em!!