Tuesday, March 10, 2009


So today Marin and I had class together. The topic we discussed in class was Genderlects. We talked about the differences and similarities between "Men-Talk" and "Women-Talk". One main differece is that women communicate to establish a connection with someone. On the other hand, men communicate for status.

Long story short...

A scholar stated that "Men tell more STORIES and jokes than females do." When the professor began talking about what the scholar said, I just HAD to jump in.

Liz: "I feel like their are certain exceptions about that last statement because I love telling people stories and I will tell stories regardless if they want to hear them or not, I really don't care I will share my stories."
Marin: "She will!"
Professor: She male? hahahaha! Did you just call her that?
Class: HAHAHA!

Somewhere in between me finishing my opinion, Marin throwing in her two cents, and people chuckling, our Professor thought he heard Marin call me a "SHEMALE". He just thought it was so funny, I gotta admit it was pretty funny.

I guess it wasn't a short story after all... you just had to be there.

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