Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ML: Let The Count Down Begin!

10 days tell I get to see one of my most FAVORITE persons in the world...
10 days tell I get to squeeze a body full of LOVE and COMPASSION...
10 days tell I get to walk into the COZIEST home, I've ever been in...
10 days tell I get to smell the SWEET scent of her coffee...
10 days tell my lips will touch that WARM coffee mug...
10 days tell I hear the AMAZING sound of her ticking clock...
10 days tell I get OVERWHELMED with all the gossip that has been happening while I've been away...
10 days tell my face is COVERED with sugar crumbles from her blueberry muffins...
10 days tell all my worries are GONE...
10 days tell...

I get to be with my GRANNY!!!

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