Saturday, March 28, 2009

ML & LG: Beach Edition "First Kiss"

So today was a beautiful day to take our show to Newport Beach! We were there for quite a while soaking up the sun. A series of events happened while we were there:

1. Checkin' out the young tenda's in the High School Surf Competition ...haha
2. Got offered a brownie, after we kindly said no. He eneded up leaving it for us anyway

3. Our good friend Jace came and hung out with us and brought us a nice cocktail
4. We went for a walk to the pier and accumulated a lot of TAR on the bottom of our feet (SICK!)

5. We saw "The Birdman" and I,(Liz) instantly fell in LOVE with the most beautiful WARA (Red Parrot) There was an instant connection and that's when it happened the "First Kiss"
6. On our way to buy ice cream, one guy offered to buy us a drink and got 3 kisses blown our way
7. We finally made it back to our spot and decided it was time to go
8. Marin got offered to be in a movie
9. We parked very far away (residential area on the other side of PCH) so of course we GOT LOST! It took us 30 minutes to find parking and 30 minutes to find where we parked...ha! (kind of ironic)


"The Birdman"
Love at first sight

Look at the cute lil girl holding the Parakeet

When we first made eye contact!

He's making his move...


(It kinda looks like he wants to give me a lip piercing..haha)

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