Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LG: Deep Thoughts caused by a Trigger





(gun shots)


(police sirens)


(ghetto birds aka helicopters)

This is what I heard at 11:29 pm. Four gun shots, within minutes the police sirens, and within seconds the helicopter. I'm tired of this. I didn't even flinch, just listened for the aftermath and if "help" was coming. Just allows one to know how immune I am to this. That should't even be right. How am I immune to the sound of a gun shot? How am I so used to hearing police sirens? Its like a tune to my ears. I don't even notice it most of the time. How can I listen to the helicopter and know exactly where it is at and how far away it is from my home, without even lookin out the window?
I get so damn pissed! Why? One may ask it isn't my fault. It doesn't have to be my fault. I am pissed that I can't lay peacefully in my bed. I am pissed cuz I live in a society such as this one. I am pissed that I have had to deal with this ALL of my life. I am pissed that I go to bed at night hoping that everyone is safe the next morning. I am pissed that I can't walk to my grandma's house, thats only 1 block away, without checking my back. I am pissed that you can't own ANYTHING around here without it being stripped from your own HANDS! I am pissed that I brag about this place so much but I am mainly pissed because I LOVE it so much. I am pissed that this place is just a crime infested community and no matter what good happens all it will EVER be known for is the CRIME. I am pissed because this is my home.
I thank God that non of my family members have never been shot, gang affiliated nor drug dealers. I thank God that after living here for 19 years we are safe (for the most part). I thank God because He has protected us through so much that has happened. I thank God for giving me peace of mind. I thank God for keeping us all SANE. I thank God.

As for now my solution:

"We must live as the lotus flower, untouched by the dirty water in which it resides"

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