Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ML: 19 dollars later...

As many of you may know...I DISLIKE most movies. For me, I would rather be spending my time doing something active, something that involves movement, talking, etc. Movie's don't fit into that category...I do however, every blue moon, get the urge to want to go to a movie. (Very rare).

Anyways, so Lizeth and I went to go see the well awarded, Slumdog Millionaire. WOW! It was great! I give it my highest recommendation!

(I attempted to put the trailer on here...evidentlly I am a bit technologically SLOWWW. never could figure it out. Welp, enjoy the pics)


  1. Slumdoggy eh??? hmm.. i guess maybe i should go see it.

  2. If you would have came with us, I would be $19 bucks richer or most likely, $29 bucks in the hole!

  3. M.L i totally agree with you..this was a great movie..i had heard many things about this movie.. i know they had won many oscars..so im like dayum is that good..so i watched it this weekend and im like dayum thats crazy, he still fought for his destined lover!..even though his older brother SALIM MALIK(asswhole)took his future lovers VIRGINITY(titika AKA cherry LMAO) knowing that he was thirsty for that COOKIE :D but yea..let me try and go on who wants to be TRILLIONAIRE right quick..since JAMAAL was a uneducated slumdog and was able to anwer all the answers correctly ..why cant i a some what educated person from the hood give it a shot! lmao i would also recomend this movie to every body.. oh yea..he is intelligent person cause he let her goes and you know i guess it was ment to be and well he went back to get her..LMAO and it all worked out..:D
