Monday, March 2, 2009

LG:Sofia's Bet

[Karina: Cute outfit. Taking pictures of herself.]

[Lizeth: Comfortable outfit. Watching the basketball game.]

Many of you know my cousin Karina. She's the most fashionable, trendy, bubbly, spunkiest, photogenic girly girl you will meet. I on the other hand, am a tad bit different. I use fashion when I feel it's needed, athletic but not an athlete, SpOraDic, and I can't take a decent picture if my life depended on it. This is where the "Funny Face Theory" comes into place.

Funny Face Theory: This theory was founded by Lizeth Guevara originally from Los Angeles through her personal experiences. She believed that she solved the self-conscious feeling when in the process of taking a picture.When one makes a "funny face" they eliminate any seriousness in the picture therefore making it a silly picture. One doesn't feel as bad when it doesn't turn out the way it was once desired.

With all that being said...

Our smallest cousin, Sofia Liliana, was about a year and a half when we placed a bet on who she was going to be like when she got older. Yea I know, how shallow to place a bet on the future of a one year old, but we did! Karina said she was going to be a "Princess" and I said she was going to be the opposite, not so much a princess but not so much a tomboy, just simply: SpOraDiC!

The years progressed and Sofia is now 3. Her personality is slowly but surely blooming. And I think we were both WRONG. She is her own person. I babysat her a lot throughout winter break and she sure did show me. She can be a Princess and be SpOraDic at the same time!

She thinks it's SO funny when...
she scratches my face!

This one's for you KP "Princess Sofia"

This is one of the MANY "funny faces" I have taught her

Through it all I see a little bit of me through her.

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