Monday, August 3, 2009

LG: EFF! They're leaving...

My very good friends, Emily and Jeff are leaving to Virginia Beach on Wednesday. They are hilarious and will be greatly missed. Emily was my floor sister freshman year, I attended most of the events just to hang out with her. Then I got a job right next to her department. That was so much fun, a lot happened in those 2 years we worked together. From the bizzar people that would come by, to her promotion, to crazy altercations, to her engagement/marriage with Jeff, to pranking Lindsay, Sushi (the fish), to the loooong errands we would go on. I will miss both of you very very much. The backside of admissions will never be the same. haha!

Tea Party we both had to attend. The best part was Emily's peanut butter and jelly with chocolate chip mini triangle sandwiches.

Last day we saw each other.

Their facial expression everytime they saw me! haha!