Friday, August 7, 2009

LG: Dia de el Salvadoreño!

This passed weekend my brother Edgar and I were driving by some streets in Los Angeles, known for the Central American culture and atmosphere. Well it turns out that this past weekend they were celebrating the 8th Annual August Festivals for The day of the Salvadorian! They closed down some streets and had live music, good food, Salvadorian souveniers, rides, beautiful art, and they were giving out FREE stuff!!! I LOVE LA!!!

Banner that let us know where the PARTY was at...woohoo!

Great band that was playing some good Bachata jams

There was an art gallery from the Salvadoran Artist are my favorites:

A rainy day in El Salvador

So many roads, so little time and no where to go.

Mother Nature.

This photo was my absolute favorite. Not only is the painting such a huge reality, but it's so vivid. What I didn't notice was that the guy to the left has a FMLN shirt on. FMLN is the communist political party in El Salvador, who for the first time in twenty years won the 2009 Presidential Election. It is a controversial photo because FMLN was one of the main reasons why people began to flee El Salvador as refugees during the Civil War in 1980. The FMLN would unwillingly recruit people to become Guerillas and fight against the government.

Intriguing Coincidence.

Salvadorian August Festival.

Well known Spanish news reporter within the Hispanic
community, Norma Roque representing her Salvadorian roots.

Where it all took place: Macarthur Park
Home of Micas (fake IDs)

We just had to come back the next day to bring Mom, Pops, and Grandpa.

Dad checkin' out the dead Coon.


Kid and his uncle's real Pony.

Poor Pony looked miserable.

The best part...FOOD!

Deep fried platanos, rice, and beans


Can you believe they were 4 bucks each...OVERRATED!

Ran into one of my dad's cousins at the carnival.
Left to Right: OG Pops, Gangsta Grandpa and Cousin Juan Carlos

I would loooove to see good 'ol Buffalo Bill or Marin Grace
rockin' one of these at a Hoedown sometime! YEEHAW!

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