Sunday, January 10, 2010

LG: Little Cousins

Went to Santa Monica on Ice w/younger cousins.

It was tiring but a lot of fun.

Specially watching my cousin Erick fall..haha!

They had this World map and you could pin where you're from.

So we did...

Sophia getting a lesson of where our family is from.

Their were people there from all over the world.

For the FIFA World Cup 2010!!!

Official match ball.

11 different colors representing the 11 players in every team, the 11 official languages of South Africa, and the 11 South African communities.

We were having too much fun with the huge ball.

Erick looks like he wants to tip it over..haha.
(he would too, that's the scarry part)


Erick and I

Las Hermanas.
Mama & Tia Lilian.
I said sit down and I'll take a picture of you.
this is what she did.

I love these little rugrats!

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