Monday, January 18, 2010

LG: The Book of Eli


Allowed me to realize how certain things are worth more than anything.
How we are able to have a Bible in our possession, without having to hide it.
How we wont be persecuted for having this significant book in our hands.
How this one book, The Holy Bible, is the answer to all of our problems.


  1. You know there was more to the story... In the movie the reason everyone died and everything turned into a waste-land was because of ppl going to war over the Bible.. It was hard to find a Bible because ppl were destroying them because it caused war.. In the end when the bible is put on the shelf in the museum, its placed next to the Holy Koran and other Religious texts. So those books were easy to find because ppl werent destroying them.. So it was saying the Bible is more destructive than the others.

  2. First of all Paul, I didnt summarize the film. I simply stated my thoughts. You're wrong about the movie. The people didn't go to war over the Bible, in fact it never states what caused the war, all that was said was that it's a post-apocalyptic story line. It was hard to find the Bible because they ordered all of literature to be destroyed and Denzel was guided to find the Bible under some rubble. His mission was to protect it and deliver the knowledge so it can bring civilization back from the brink of destruction and save the future of humanity. In the end when he places the Bible next to the other religious books, what that meant was that the other religious texts were recovered before they could find the Bible. The Bible is not at all a destructive book, it's simply a book of knowledge and wisdom with rules and regulations that is needed to guide the civilization of humanity.
