Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Friday Karina and I went to Mama D's, of course it was delicious and the music was right on key. While we were there Karina was complimented by the waiter (and she acted like she didn't hear him the 1st time so he had to repeat himself as always...sorda!) but I'm not sure if it was a good compliment..he said "Wow! You have beautiful hair. It reminds me of my dad and brother's hair." hahahaha! So I think he was trying to tell her she has man hair! hahaha..just kidding KP!

Somehow at the end of the night we ended up watching The Time Travelers Wife...what a wack movie!! First time ever watching chick flicks-back to back. I'm not a chick flick fan but I don't mind watching them with the right people. What pisses me off is, if I'm gonna watch a "Love" story...I expect it to be about "Love"..not about someone being heartbroken or a naked man that time travels for no reason! geeeeez!!! haha. At least the "unexpected after party" on the 73 was fun! HA!

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