Tuesday, September 1, 2009

LG: Beginning to End

It was amazing to be apart of a project that started from scratch. To be apart of a project that went from the ground - up. To be apart of a project that will benifit 3 different communities. To be apart of a project that is a BASIC need for the people. To be apart of a project that's had many obstacles but will soon prevail. To be apart of a project that will save and serve. To be apart of a project in which many people have longed for its completion for almost 20 years. To be apart of a project that will be a blessing for the humble residents of Las Delicias, El Rosario, & Las Animas. To be apart of a project that will remain for generations and generations to come. To be apart of a project that will provide: WATER.

When Kelsey Runge showed me this picture, I had chills running through my spine. She went with The Crossing Church and helped finished the tank. I couldn't believe this was the finished product. It has been the highlight of my year thus far.

Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." John 4:10

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