Wednesday, September 30, 2009

LG: Internship

Spiritual Formation & Global Initiatives

Global Initiatives

Photographer: David Garvin

Monday, September 28, 2009

LG: YC 09

Great weekend.
Annual Greater Works Youth Convention in Sacramento, CA.
Live by the Word.
Die for the Word.

Monday, September 21, 2009

LG: Miss Her

650 Ft. in the St. Louis Arch
Haggard Road trip

Butt Chin's Kick Back

Long talks in LWDR89

AG Creeeeper!

Gladiator Party

APU Track Meet

Cove Rats 07

A*Griff's Party

Laguna 309

WooFest 07

Brother Floor Dinner 07

Thursday, September 17, 2009

LG: Whats in a Name?

Ghettoest Names I've heard/people I've met:

  1. Orangejello
  2. Lemonjello
  3. La Tierra
  4. Money Green
  5. Precious One
  6. Princess
  7. Ewnique
  8. Starquisha
  9. Lashawntae
  10. La-Sha (LADASHA)

Get it Right!




Wednesday, September 9, 2009

LG: A place to be a kid...

Milo and I
(Picture taken by his mother)

It's like being a kid all over again.
Only worry is...what your gonna play next.

LG: Mahalo

Gave a tour yesterday.
One family was from Hawaii.
They gave me this gift.
All those corny jokes are paying off.
Must be doing something right.
Best Chocolate I have ever tasted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


What do you get when you mix a sunny day, Dominicans, Salvadorians, Mexicans, a softball, a dog, and a "closed field"?
A hilarious softball game with people falling, clowning, trying to win an argument with Pastor and a free halftime show w/everyone chasing Rocco around the park.
Big Bro Efrain
Oscar running home.

Brandon! The tank I had to wrestle with to get to 1st.

"I wanna get a good hit, cuz I'm hittin' like a lil kid"

Brandon gettin' handled by Rocco!

When you're on Pastor's team, you NEVER lose. NEVER.

Standing: Mi Gente Gio and Infamous Pastor Pilzon
Top Left: Chino, Panama, Colocho, Oscarito, David, Geek
Bottom Left: World Vision, Jotitis, L!Z, Andy, Edgarino, Mr. I'm gonna be Policeman but I'm scarred of dogs, and B!

Our version of The Beast..Rocco!
El Pitbull Chino!

"Hey this is kinda like that movie the sandblock.." -Geek
"It's the Sandlot dumbass!" -Yours Truly
Can't leave the pigskin behind.
Football game coming soon.


Friday Karina and I went to Mama D's, of course it was delicious and the music was right on key. While we were there Karina was complimented by the waiter (and she acted like she didn't hear him the 1st time so he had to repeat himself as always...sorda!) but I'm not sure if it was a good compliment..he said "Wow! You have beautiful hair. It reminds me of my dad and brother's hair." hahahaha! So I think he was trying to tell her she has man hair! hahaha..just kidding KP!

Somehow at the end of the night we ended up watching The Time Travelers Wife...what a wack movie!! First time ever watching chick flicks-back to back. I'm not a chick flick fan but I don't mind watching them with the right people. What pisses me off is, if I'm gonna watch a "Love" story...I expect it to be about "Love"..not about someone being heartbroken or a naked man that time travels for no reason! geeeeez!!! haha. At least the "unexpected after party" on the 73 was fun! HA!

Monday, September 7, 2009

LG: Anjelah Johnson..yea she's Mexican!

My brother Edgar went to see Anjelah Johnson perform, met her, and got her to sign this poster for me. It's one of the best/funniest gifts I've received in a looooong time. Thanks Edgarino!

Here are some comedy acts she is known for...haha!!

LG: Finally...

Got some family pictures from Julio's wedding.
A lil late but family events are always worth posting.
Gotta love em'!
Lichi. Mami. Kari.
Cousin's and mami.
Sis-in-Law Johanna and Cousins.
Maggie and Steven.
Jose and Johanna.
Mami and Papi.
Newlywed Cousin's!
Cousin's and Abuelita.
