Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LG: Is it Street Ball or the NBA Playoffs?

This year the NBA Playoffs have had some intense flagrant fouls. From back hand slaps, to body slamming, to elbow throwing all over the place. It's gotten real UGLY from bloody faces to bloody bald heads, they even got Kenyon Martin's momma in the mix. But all of the rough playing give the games more hype and makes it more interesting to watch. It truly brings out the best of the players. Here are a couple of videos of some nasty/exciting altercations.

Poor one pays attention to the blood gushing out of his face.

Scola went at it with Odom, Walton, and Vujacic but
Don't mess with Fisher, he's built like a defensive line backer!
I'm surprised Ron Artest didn't come back and stab Kobe..
haha! (Efrain insider)

My all time favorite!

Street ball move?? naaahh... First Instinct! haha!

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