Thursday, April 23, 2009

LG: Free Mini-Zoo

Marin: Excuse me, he said it was fine (HE REALLY DIDN'T), we were just at the swapmeet and were wondering if we still need to pay $12 each to go in if we're just going to buy Dip-n-Dots?

Ticket Lady at Pet Expo: Well I guess I could be nice today and let you girls through.

And that's how we got into the Pet Expo fo' FREE! It wasn't technically a lie, our intentions were to buy some Dip-n-Dots and at the same time walk around to look at some pets.

It was a SIZZLING HOT Sunday afternoon, but we enjoyed every bit of it.
Check out the baby alligator!

This monkey's name is Brianna...
She's fiesty!!

Beautiful Tiger

I found "The Beast" also known as "Hercules"

They said this was a dog...looked fake to me.

Check out this 90 pound Albino Python!

"You better grab a hold of her son, or else she's gonna grab a hold of you"
-Animal Expert Man

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