Monday, April 27, 2009

LG: Welcome to the Lake Show...

It's already happenin' in LA!!!
1st Round
Game 5
Sent Utah back home!


Friday, April 24, 2009

LG: Jamba Juice = El Salvador

Mention EL Salvador and Jamba Juice will donate 20% of the sale to our team to go to EL Salvador to help work on their water project. Now thru June 13.

Thank You for your support!

ML: Keepin it reel

You know I like to keep it real with my heritage and where I come from, so here's some updates on how the ole fam in Illinois is doing!! 

The ginger bread house Johny made this year! 
Aunt Charlene's Litter Box
Uncle Buck's Lawn Mower...It's pretty cool! 
The new grill Sandy and Charles got as a wedding gift 
This right here is Good Ole Kenny Showin off his new boat! 

I sure Can't wait for Lizzy to come home with me this May. She ain't gonna know what to think! 

LG: He's at it again!!

Henry is da da da dancing!!! @ Yahoo! Video

He's a Natural Raver!!
Found out Shawty's name is Henry.
He shall be Henry the Raver.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

LG: Free Mini-Zoo

Marin: Excuse me, he said it was fine (HE REALLY DIDN'T), we were just at the swapmeet and were wondering if we still need to pay $12 each to go in if we're just going to buy Dip-n-Dots?

Ticket Lady at Pet Expo: Well I guess I could be nice today and let you girls through.

And that's how we got into the Pet Expo fo' FREE! It wasn't technically a lie, our intentions were to buy some Dip-n-Dots and at the same time walk around to look at some pets.

It was a SIZZLING HOT Sunday afternoon, but we enjoyed every bit of it.
Check out the baby alligator!

This monkey's name is Brianna...
She's fiesty!!

Beautiful Tiger

I found "The Beast" also known as "Hercules"

They said this was a dog...looked fake to me.

Check out this 90 pound Albino Python!

"You better grab a hold of her son, or else she's gonna grab a hold of you"
-Animal Expert Man

LG: It's a ROUGH Life!

Karina came to chill with us last Friday. She was stunnin' as always, hair done & her cute lil dress. On our way to dinner, we met her stuffed pet cat "Whitey". KP might be skinny, but don't let her fool you she can GRUB! It was fun having my two best friends together enjoying a good food and laughter. We started talking about relationships and that's when it started gettin' dirty...KP went on to speak what was on her mind, "(Liz) There's something about you, that's why guys don't talk to you." Although most girls would take that as an excruciating insult, I didn't care much. It was funny because it came out of no where...we all just busted out laughing!
Overall it was a FUN night.
Much Love for KP & MarinGrace

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

LG: Yumm..

"Where I'm from, Lunch is Dinner and Dinner is Supper!" -M.Lowder

Thursday, April 9, 2009

LG: Shawty got Moves!

what ever happened to "I'm a little tea pot..."?


If I were only SUPERWOMAN...
If I ruled the WORLD...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LG: At the end of the day

This is what it comes down to:

My Peace of Mind=Merciful Wonderful God

LG: Speechless

Life and Death.
All in one day.

LG: Everyone does it...


My Granny loves anything that any of her grandkids give her.  She is so happy to receive pictures of us, newspaper clippings, whatever it my be..she feels the need to display EVERYTHING on her wall.  On this wall in the dinning room sits my Scholar Athlete Award. Oh if you could have seen her eyes when I gave her that piece of paper!! She really did think it was something! 

My Scholar Athlete Award got placed right behind her blue glass letters that spell G-R-A-Y, her last name.  It just looked great on her watermelon shelf behind the letters of our family name! She was proud!  

I left that Saturday like any other day, when I returned the next mourning for coffee, there sat Granny in her chair cracking up!! 

"You're not going to believe what I did this mourning!"  

"Oh, what did ya do now Granny?"

"Well I knocked that damn watermelon shelf off that is holding your award and broke the R to G-R-A-Y, so now it just says G-A-Y!!!!" 

I don't think I need to say much more!  She did keep my award sitting right behind her blue glass letters that now spell G-A-Y!!!! 

Oh Granny!! 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

LG: R-O-C-C-O!

1st time puppy Rocco is held by Edgarino.
(October 2008)
Such a cute puppy.

The 1st in the Guevara family to have colored eyes!
Guard Dog.

He wouldn't hurt a soul.

So photogenic.

Car Rides.

Mailman T-shirt days.

I don't think he liked it very much.

Rainy car rides.

Getting so BIG.

and really LAZY.

Last time rocco should be held by Edgarino.
(March 2009. Only 5 months after the first picture)
Love Big Bro and Rocco.

LG: Night of Nations

For all you people who "couldn't" make it last Sunday to Night of Nations because of some lame excuse about work, a birthday party, or a basketball game...Here's the video our team put together.

We won 2nd place.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


After a BIG breakfast,
12,184 Sandwiches at Lindsay's baby shower,
33 Strawberries,
87 Chunks of pineapple,
2 Carrots,
a stick of celery,
282 chocolate chip cookies,
a few chips,
then ate some more sandwiches,
then decided a corn dog sounded appetizing,
and to top it all off... I had the founder's favorite from cold stone with banana instead of pecans

I felt like this!!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Ran across this tonight...oldie, but goodie

LG: Singing Guitar

I know this aint yo typical Kanye music but I love ACOUSTIC and this guy "JussJef" got MAD SKILLS! Try and figure out all the songs that have been put together in this lovely medley.

LG: Good Feeling

I'm having a private party
Ain't no body here but me, my angels, and my guitar singin'
baby look how far we've come here
I'm havin' a private party
Learning how to love me
Celebrating the woman I've become

-India Arie-
Often times I find myself listening to this song when I am alone.
It makes me feel good about who I am and who I have become.
It makes me feel good about all the hard work I have done.
It makes me feel good and reflect on everything I have accomplished.
It makes me feel good knowing I am NOT another teen statistic.
It makes me feel good that I am an educated HISPANIC FEMALE.
It makes me feel good about my alone time.
Although I am alone, I know I am NEVER lonely
and that makes me feel good.