Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LG: While in Mexico...

we ate some bomb food..

we met Señora Persi..

I played indoor..

we took some shots at Costco..
we were able to guide Ramon back to the right path..
we gave Ramon a Bible..

watched Riley get schooled by Sergio..

had a dance party..

got to tell the same joke 2345 times..

met some cool kids at the Orphanage..

ran into this crazy Machete Hackin' Dominican..
enjoyed yummy fruit..

taught Elle how to beat-box..

translated Riley's preaching..

posted at Mayra's Taco Stand..
saw the most beautiful sunsets..

had some great jammin' sessions..

played with lots of balls..

1 comment:

  1. new profile! Im into it!

    sweeet mexico pictures too.... but what about the part when riley took out that dog and you guys all made tacos with it!!! ha!
