Saturday, December 5, 2009

LG: Good times with A*Griff & Mawwin...


Both of you tricked me into going on a car ride to Laguna
Our Single's Day Awareness gifts

When Alex thought she had the greatest Rockstar commercial and used the Gatorade slogan

Going shopping together and acting like fools

When Marin didn't know how to spell "boo" and we told her it was "bouie" and she believed us

When both of you were talking to someone on aim acting like you were me and they believed you
Crazy Valentine Night freshman year

Getting attacked with a fire extinguisher that night and Marin thought it was pepper spray

It took us 2 hours to wash the Prius

Costume Party: Salvi Doll. Greek Goddess.Barely Eighty Senior Citizen Bowling Team Member. When Kristen thought we were bringing alcohol in a box but it was actually her birthday surprise
Chillin' at the Griffith's Sunday afternoons and then walking to Cold Stones

Going to the Fashion Show and Mamma D's

Watching SuperBad every nite for weeks

Both of you riding the Tandem and the me on the single bike

Abruptly waking up Marin when she would fall asleep in the car..haha!

That one bike ride in Seal Beach when Tandem broke down and our "angel" saved us with his patriotic socks

Brody the Turtle Alex bought at Downtown LA.

When Laventina's messed up our order and Lindsay told them off and got us a free pizza!
Waking up to Alex opening a Rockstar for breakfast...haggards!

When we used to "get ready" to go to the caf...hahaha!

AGriff's jungle party

Messing with Marin after she took her contacts off and didnt have her glasses on

Getting hyphy for school events with Rockstars

Busting roadtrips to go to basketball games

Marin aka Circle K. Alex aka Pepto Bismal. Liz aka Colonel Mustard.
Eating bomb food at Culture Day at church

Bro/Sis Floor Bon Fires at Alex house

When we tried to bust all niters but someone always fell asleep (except Alex)

Watching Laguna Beach and The Hills over and over again

Nights at my cousin Maggies with Ja? HAHA!

The video I made you guys for VDay

Barbie Party: Cowgirl Barbie, Malibu Barbie, Bride Barbie

When Marin took a bite out of Alex Jack in the Box taco and I thought someone at Jack bit it

Getting blamed for everything freshman year by Kristen

The first time Alex ironed was in our dorm room

Our late night Jack runs

Wearing A Griff's #6 volleyball jersey to games

Awkward Turtle moments.

When we were coming back from Alex's vball game and Mr. G stopped so we can watch the DUI bust and I was paranoid the whole time

Rockin' the St. Patty's day gear

The first time we got together to hang out we persuaded Alex with candy and all we did was watch Chris Brown music videos all night.


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