Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LG: LRG Fashion Show

Edgarino, Sawoowoo, and I went to the LRG fashion show 09.24.09. It was at the Irvine Spectrum, the tickets were provided by my Public Relations teacher.

It was an interesting night. They said Trevor Ariza, also known as "The Thief" formerly with the Lakers but signed with the Heat (bad choice) for 09-10 season, was going to be there. They said Big Black, from Rob & Big and the inventor of the "Man-Pon", was going to be there. They said Kobe Bryant, you know Kobe, was going to be there also.

So I made them sprint to the Big Wheel because I thought we were going to be late, but we were right on time. To my surprise the show was actually delayed. We got goodie bags with random items like a towel, a bright green LRG tie, stickers, a composition notebook etc.

Well the show finally began... then it ended. It was that fast. Once it was over, everyone was stunned so no one got up...then someone got on the mic and said "thanks for attending"

No celebrities. No comedians.

Turns out (info provided by my teacher/PR director for the Irv. Spect.) Trevor Ariza WAS going to show up but Lamar Odom (who decided to get married with Khloe Kardashian after only knowing each other for a month) decided to throw his bachelor party that same night. Don't know what happened to Big Black, might have run out of man-pon's. Oh yea, and the show was delayed because Kobe called and said he was on his way BUT then called 5 min later saying he forgot about Lamar's party.

Ended up being fun night.

Gotta love the family.

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