Thursday, July 23, 2009

LG: Super!!

On Saturday Karina, my aunt Dolores, Matt, Edgar and I went to a mini fair for a concert promotion at Staples/Nokia. Though it was scorching hot, my aunt and I were destined to get Karina on stage to sing Kareoke. We weren't very successful but we did win shirts, Tortillas, Tostadas, got free iced coffee, Kool-aid, yogurt and other cool FREE stuff. It was a lot of fun watching all the Kareoke singers competing for free concert tickets and there few minutes of fame. One day, Karina will look back on this day and realize she lost a great opportunity to become famous. We just wanted the best for your future! hahahaha!

LATV Rockstars..haha!!

The stage Karina should've been on... Me Estas Tentandoooo!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

LG: Yummm...


Pops gettin' ready to attack!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

LG: One of the Greatest Days in El Salvador

During the Mission Trip in El Salvador, I met a couple of kids who would come by the construction area everyday after school. They were really funny, we would talk and play with whatever we found. One day I set up a soccer game with the guys on the team and my lil Salvadorian friends. A lot of people walked by the field where we were playing, so we invited them to play. Two men came and joined us, along with several other kids. We had a great time. After the game was over they showed us another way of getting back to the construction area. It was kind of like a backside shortcut that allowed us to actually walk in the community instead of the main street. We had to walk through one of the men's property in order to get to where we were going. As we walked through I looked up and saw a bunch if Mamones (delicious exotic fruit) hanging from a tree. One of the men must have noticed my mouth wide open as I starred in awe. So they offered us some and they were DELICIOUS!

Soccer game

The soccer squad
Pollo and Teto

Really nice men taking down the Mamones from the tree.

Teaching the guys how to eat Mamones:
Just bite off the shell...

Pop it in your mouth and savour the great taste...mmmm!


LG: Jammin' Out!

Just got MaestroKnows Season 1 Mixtape by DJ SourMilk
Get It.
Got It.