Thursday, June 25, 2009

LG: The ILL State

I went to the ILL State
Hung out with Jake the Snake and Marin Grace,
Don't forget Big-D and his lady!
My all time favorite was Granny and Rocky,
best of all LouAnne she's so funny!
Late nights watching Chelsea and The Soup!
Remember to sign the door as you POOP!
Don't run over the STOP sign cuz the neighbors a snoop!
Just ate my last PonyShoe at VerdaMae's,
Where everybody greets you with a HEEYY!
C'mon in with a big fat grin!
But now it's come to an end.
And I'm on a plane headed back to L.A.
Where the Laker's gonna play on my birthday!
I'll be back! I'll make sure of that,
Cuz you know what they say about Waverly,
Although it's a small town not really known,
it's a DARN good place to call HOME!
-Lizzy G
35,000 feet in the sky

All packed up in the backseat of LOWDR89
(Jace's sweater travels everywhere w/me!)

Calling Ella

Waffle House in Amarillo, Texas

The guy with the red hat name is Earl and he's noth'n but TROUBLE!

Waverly Lake where Marin almost made our lil boat tip over

1st PonyShoe at VerdaMae's
Goin for ice cream w/ cousins Madi Jo and Ella
Jake wasn't kiddin when he said this was Illinois traffic!

GIANNA! and her Pokerface

Eden and I taking a break from jumping on the trampoline

In the BUBBLE! on our way up to the top of the Arch

BIG-D! Marin-Grace! Lizzy G!

If you're not first, you're last.

That's the first and last time I will use a shot gun!

Granny and I

The Fam

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

LG: June 4th

They turned off the Jazz.
They blew up the Rockets.
They ate some Nuggets.
Now it's time to make the Magic dissapear.

LG: One More Year

Throwin up Westside on my 1st birthday.

Chuck E. Cheese birthday is a must.
(Before I realized he was a rat)
!!La PiƱata!!

My ALL time favorite.
I remember this moment like it was yesterday.

Family, food, and a great Laker win.